HoloLens Reality Check

Are you tired of futuristic HoloLens visions? CNET‘s Cam Robinson provided a HoloLens Reality Check. According to CNET.com, “gaming is the number one most exciting potential use of the technology”.

Check out his video here: http://www.gamespot.com/videos/embed/6423294/

For those who prefer reading: Cam explains that HoloLens is about “adding things on top of existing reality” and emphasizes the follwing key features of HoloLens:

  • manipulation of digital holographic objects
  • construction of virtual objects (to be later 3D printed)
  • modelling in realtime 3D

Gaming: VR creating “feeling of presence”

On top of this, Cam compared HoloLens to its “VR cousins” (e.g. Oculus Rift/ Project Morpheus) that fulfil their intended purpose by creating “the feeling of presence”. They take you to a new virtual world and simulate the feeling of being a part of the game.

Especially Facebook has shown the great importance of next-generation technologies as Mark Zuckerberg announced the $2bn acquisition of Oculus Rift in March 2014 (according to theguardian).

Facebook, Sony, Google, Microsoft – they are all pursuing a long-term strategy to develop and improve AR and VR solutions. But what about Apple? The gossip factory is working overtime as Apple is hiring engineers and app developers with VR experience.

As long as there were no more details released, we have to be patient. Maybe we have to get ready for another pleasant surprise?

Feel free to leave your comments below and let us know what you think about the current development.

And do not forget to participate in our HoloLens survey above!

One thought on “HoloLens Reality Check

  1. Tony L. says:

    After getting my Hololens and experiencing it first hand, I can say that it certainly does need some work. Fortunately, that’s the plan in the works. The version I have is the development version that will ensure there are apps out there and ready by the time the production hardware is ready. Given a likely expansion of FOV as the biggest payoff, I suspect this will happen by the time the product is out for the public. Interaction with the unit is pretty slick. The biggest issue is aligning yourself to be seen by the invisible bounds of the sensors. Once you get the feel for it and understand it is tied to your head and where you’re pointing your head, it all starts to become rather fluid.

    I can see lots of cool uses for this and a future where windows holographic spills out beyond just the Hololens into other devices, yet there needs a lot more work to be done. Windows 10 desktop (in Holographic mode) doesn’t have all the bells and whistles that the full PC version of Windows 10. If there is a calculator on it, you can’t find it with windows explorer because there is no windows explorer.

    Apps also open into full take over mode. It would be nice if they also would run like widgets. Or at the very least like a windowed mode. Multitasking is the bomb and it just doesn’t do that now. I can bounds pretty quick between applications, especially Netflix and a graph of my excel spreadsheet I’m working on. It would be nice to see them both even if I do have to swing my head all the way over to see either one. Of course, there is no HL Excel… yet. But I’m sure they’ll get around to it.

    Overall, I’m impressed. Enough so to start development on some apps. It’s a little slow learning, but at least for now, the learning process seems very straight forward. Hopefully it stays that way.


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